Health Tips

The Secret To Weight Loss

August 25, 2020
The Nutritionist

Most regulate food intake and increase exercise to effect weight loss. This works until we reach our forties—when our progress plateaus.

Most, rightly, blame it on their metabolism, but have no idea how to enhance it. Younger people with hormonal imbalances also fall in the same boat.

While we can’t convert a Toyota into a Ferrari, we can create a very efficient Toyota engine.

What’s the magic third pillar other than diet and exercise? To continue with the car analogy, we sometimes opt for a “professional service with the full works” to prolong the lifespan of the car. Similarly, with the help of a professional, we can rework our health to prolong our lifespan.

First, we need to take a comprehensive blood test and get a functional medicine expert to analyse it. We are not looking for disease, but metabolic challenges indicated by nutrient highs and lows.

This identifies the foods and nutrients (vitamins and minerals) we lack, hormonal imbalances, and underlying toxicities or low-grade infections. Thecan even express which body systems are stressed. All these put together will allow you to customize your nutrients—through a formulated diet plan—to your biochemistry.

The professional will guide you on how to follow a customized detoxification plan, to  clean all your internal “pipes” for a more efficient body, and follow the diet with bioavailable (high-quality) supplements that will even work for those with the poorest absorption.

Every person trying to lose weight should have this goal:

To lose visceral fat, body fat, increase muscle mass, and improve hydration. You should enquire if the program you are undertaking will achieve these core goals. If not, it is not worth your time. 

Further, if the program compromises your health in any way, reassess your program. Despite all the information on the net, the DIY approach can be counterproductive. Just as we know that to maximize fitness success, we need an exercise instructor, we need a professional to guide us to create a better body from the inside.

What the others had to say about their sessions with Sheeba

Clients testimonial, over 1,000 clients have gone through it.

Richard J . Lang

An incredible volume of knowledge packed into a manageable size book. Read it through and also use it as a handbook or guide. The material is heavily based on science, but presented in such a way as to function as a checklist. This book is downright fascinating, too. If you desire a longer, healthier life, this book would be a good starting point

Doug Sandler

Great tool box filled with ways to make your life healthier. Thank you Sheeba. I never seem to make the time to learn about the importance of wht goes into my body. Life's problems cannot be fixed by taking a pill. Let's get to the root of it with Edible to Incredible.

Dr Annika

This book is packed with important information on what to eat and what not to eat. It is about how to think around food and not only talk about calories (energy) but more about nutrients. We need a shift in what we eat in the western society and this books gives you very good giudance.

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